Wednesday, May 14, 2014

HELLO DAY TWO!!!!! ( Post #1)

Hello Parents,

OMG!!!  What a day!!  What a day!!!  Day 2 of your trip was so jammed.  We had an AWESOME time!!!  The day began with pouring rain.  We had to buy ponchos!!!!

On our way to catch the bus to Journey of the Falls and Niagara's Fury!!!

We ended up walking for about 15 minutes before we reached the attractions.  It was really awesome!!  We could barely see anything because of the fog and the mist!!!!

The sights as we walk to the Niagara's Fury!!!

Photo Op in front of Niagara Falls!!!

Deondre' and Jelani









Journey Behind the Falls 
The Journey Behind the Falls was very interesting.  In the pictures below you can see where we are right next to the falls.  You could hear the rush of the water.  We were getting pretty wet.  And it was very cold!!!!!  There was a point where we were literally behind the fall, all you saw was the white "spray" the water was making as it rushed down.  We looked out of portal, not a deck like you see in the pictures.


  1. OMGoodness!!! The pictures are absolutely AWESOME!!!!! It must have a been majestic to stand so close to one of the world's wonders! The mighty rushing of the falls!!!! So wish I could BE THERE!!!! Shout out to the Teachers/Chaperons for watching over our babies during this unforgettable Science Trip! Thank you soOOoooo much!!! Okay, Young Scientists .....your hanging in there! Journal, Journal!!! Azaria I hope you're taking pictures!!!! Whoooooaaaaa!
    Signing Off: Azaria's Mommy (15th May: 10:24 p.m. BDA Time)
